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Proven To Increase Mobile Traffic Video Content For Digital Signage

Increase mobile traffic

If you haven’t considered a video marketing which is proven to increase mobile traffic, try this strategy. If you haven’t considered a video marketing strategy yet, you should review how you are engaging your audience. In the recent year, an increase of 69% was expected in video marketing. Furthermore, approximately 50% has been accounted for all mobile traffic. This means that you may greatly improve your marketing strategy with this trend.

Implementing digital sign content works just like adding ad contents package to your existing content management system. Simply upload your selected video file and set the specific time of the day or week to play or replay it. Thus, you can easily determine how your audience will engage with your brand.


It’s as easy as taking videos via smartphones and uploading to any video streaming service such as YouTube. You can enable your audience to engage by allowing them to take a tour of your store, give a quick shout out, or feature to them any new products on your shelves. 

You might have gotten the impression that it is too expensive implementing videos in your digital signage marketing campaign. On the contrary, you don’t need to create an expensive production to capture the attention of your audience.

Success in Marketing

A simple realistic video marketing and digital signage can make your business more successful. This can help your audience remember your brand without you having to spend a huge amount of money. Video marketing is proven to increase mobile traffic.



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